Baby Safe Program

Premium Virtual Package

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    Baby Safe Program- Virtual classes (via zoom)

    • Module 1: Safe Sleeping (virtual class, via zoom)

    • Module 2: Recognising and responding to an unwell baby (virtual class, via zoom)

    • Module 3: Baby Basic Life Support (virtual class, via zoom)

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    Baby Safe Program- Video Series

    • Introduction to the Baby Safe Program Video Series

    • Introduction: Safe Sleeping video series

    • Safe Sleeping - Video

    • Safe Sleeping- Quiz

    • Safe Wrapping & use of a Safe Sleeping Bag

    • Safe wrapping (swaddling) and use of a safe sleeping bag: Quiz

    • Introduction: Baby Basic Life Support- Video series

    • Baby cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR): Video

    • Baby CPR- Quiz

    • Management of choking: Video

    • Management of choking- Quiz

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    • Red Nose

    • ACCC: Keeping Baby Safe: A guide to infant and nursery products

    • Kidsafe Australia

    • Apps and websites with evidence-based content for care of babies

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    • You have now completed the Baby Safe Program

    • Feedback and evaluation- Optional

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    References and disclaimer

    • References

    • Disclaimer