Small Group Classes

Face-to-face classes are open for booking in 2025

Small Group, face-to-face classes are now available to book through to April 2025.

Baby Safe Program- Deluxe Package

February to April programs now open for booking.

The Baby Safe Program Deluxe Package offers you all the features of the Baby Safe Program in one package.

The Baby Safe Program Deluxe Package combines hands-on learning in a small group class, virtual learning (live and interactive with A/Professor Rose Boland), video resources and online learning.

The Baby Safe Deluxe package includes:

  • Module 1: Safe Sleeping (face-to-face or virtual)

  • Module 2: Recognising and responding to an unwell baby- small group class (face-to-face)

  • Module 3: Baby Basic Life Support (Baby CPR) & Baby First Aid- hands-on, skills-based class (face-to-face)

  • Baby Safe Program video series and online learning platform (One year unlimited access)

  • Baby First Aid/ Baby Basic Life Support fridge magnets (Baby CPR and choking management)

  • Baby Safety Resource pack

The class is taught in a small group class, limited to 8 couples. The class is held at Prahran High School, in High Street, Windsor (Victoria) on weekends. 

Cost:  $225 per person / $450 per couple (inclusive of 10% GST)

(Total value $665 per couple- you save $215) 

Course Duration: 7.5 hours 

  • 2- 2.25 hours virtual or face-to-face class (Module 1)
  • 3.5 hours face-to-face class (Modules 2 & 3)
  • 2 hours of self-directed e-learning, videos and self-tests (online)
  • One-year unlimited access to the video series via our e-learning platform

Baby First Aid/Baby Basic Life Support

February to April programs now open for booking.

The Baby Basic Life Support (CPR) & Baby First Aid class is a hands-on, face-to-face, skills-based class. This class is for babies 0-12 months of age. 

Topics and skills covered: 

  • When to call 000 for an ambulance 
  • Baby cardiopulmonary resuscitation (Baby CPR) 
  • Management of choking on milk
  • Management of choking on food
  • Febrile convulsions 
  • Button battery ingestion 
  • Prevention of drowning- bath and water safety 
  • Food allergies  
  • Anaphylaxis 

Your package includes: 

Baby Basic Life Support (Baby CPR) & Baby First Aid- small group class (face-to-face)

Baby Basic Life Support fridge magnets (Baby CPR and Management of choking)

Baby Basic Life Support Video Series 

  • Baby CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) 
  • Management of choking

Baby Safety Resource pack

  • Red Nose: Safe Sleeping  brochure
  • Red Nose: Supine is Safest  infographic and information sheet
  • Recognising an unwell baby handout
  • Bath and water safety checklist 
  • Kids Safe Australia-  A Parent Guide to Kidsafe Homes (PDF)
  • Button Battery Awareness Brochure
  • List of websites and mobile phone applications for baby first aid 

The class is taught in a small group, limited to 8 couples. The class is held at Prahran High School, in High Street, Windsor (Victoria) on weekends and one Thursday evening per month. 

Cost: $100 per person /$200 per couple (Inclusive of 10% GST)

(Total value $265 per couple if the class, videos and fridge magnets were purchased separately)

Course Duration2 hours and 30 minutes

Baby Safe Program: Safe Sleeping

February to April programs now open for booking.

The Safe Sleeping- Small group class combines evidence-based information about safe sleep practices, hand-on skills practice, e-learning and videos. 

Topics and skills covered: 

  • Reducing the risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI), including SIDS
  • How to create a safe sleep environment for your newborn baby
  • Safe wrapping (swaddling) for sleep and to promote normal hip development 
  • Use of a safe sleeping bag 
  • The importance of avoiding over-heating (thermal stress) 
  • Dressing your baby for safe sleep
  • Bedding and bedding amount 
  • Room temperature 
  • Cot or bassinet- which is recommended and why 
  • Use of  baby slings and carriers
  • Car seats, car capsules and car travel
  • How to determine which nursery products are safe for your baby
  • Nursery products that are unsafe for babies, are not recommended, and can pose a risk of SUDI, including SIDS ('cot death')

Practical component:

Demonstration and hands-on practice of techniques to safely wrap (swaddle) a newborn for sleep and to promote normal hip development.  Each attendee will have their own baby (manikin) to practice on.

All participants receive:

Red Nose: Safe Sleeping brochure
Red Nose: Safe Wrapping brochure
Red Nose: Tummy Time brochure
Red Nose: Supine is Safest infographic and information sheet

One-year unlimited access to the Safe Sleeping e-learning module, including the Safe Sleeping Video series, which includes:

  • Safe sleeping to reduce the risk of SUDI, including SIDS
  • Safe swaddling (wrapping) and use of a safe sleeping bag

This class is taught in a small group class, limited to 8 couples at Prahran High School, Windsor (Victoria). 

Cost: $95 per person / $190 per couple 
(Inclusive of 10% GST)

(Total value $290 per couple- you save $100 per couple)

Class duration: 

  • 2.25 hours face-to-face class plus
  • 1.5 hours online learning 
  • One-year unlimited access to the e-learning module including the video series

COVID-19 Safe Requirements

At all Small Group Classes

All attendees at Small Group, face-to-face Baby Safe Programs must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (2 doses or more of a TGA approved vaccination). Attending a Small Group classes after 38 weeks of pregnancy is not recommended.

Baby Safe Program- Premium Virtual Package

We also offer a virtual option: The Baby Safe Program- Premium Virtual Package. The package comprises: all three virtual classes, the Baby Safe Program Video Series, and the Baby Basic Life Support Fridge magnets. Cost: $295 per couple (valued at $355)- bundle and save!

Gift Vouchers

Are you looking for a Baby Shower present for a friend or family member expecting a baby? Why not give a precious gift: a gift that could save a life. 

Purchase a gift voucher for any of our Small Group Baby Safe Programs.


  • Baby Safe Deluxe Package for $225 per person ($450 for a couple)
  • Baby Basic Life Support- Small Group class for $100 per person ($200 for a couple)
  • Safe Sleeping- Small Group class for $95 per person ($190 for a couple)
  • Baby Safe Program Premium Virtual Package for $295 per couple

Our gift vouchers can be used for a year. 

Please contact us at Precious Care to purchase or enquire about a gift voucher.  


Attendance at a Baby Safe Program Deluxe Package or a Baby Basic Life Support Small Group Class does not lead to a professional qualification or a certification of competency in basic life support or infant resuscitation. Nor can it prevent the sudden and/or unexpected death of a newborn baby, older infant, or child.  

These classes have been designed to share the best available evidence and current recommendations from Expert Advisory Groups. Occasionally, your Paediatrician or other Health Care Provider may give you alternative advice based on your baby's individual circumstances. 

Whilst appreciable care has been taken in the preparation of all training material, Precious Care Australia Pty Ltd shall not be held responsible for any act or omission which may result in injury or death to any baby, infant or child as a result of reliance on this training material.